All organisations need leaders that can succeed in our ever faster changing world. This program equips leaders and their organisations to thrive in a multi-generational, globalised, AI enhanced, ethically sensitive, 'VUCA world’.
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Why the need for Transpersonal Leaders1?
The world is at a tipping point; it is changing faster and more unpredictably. Society, technology and the climate are changing at unprecedented levels. Successful leaders recognise that leadership has moved on from being authoritative, hierarchical and pace-setting to becoming a distributed leadership underpinned by an ethical, caring, sustainable and performance enhancing culture. Only Transpersonal Leaders who are both emotionally intelligent and lead beyond their ego can consistently embrace, communicate and enaction these characteristics.
1 Knights, J., Grant, D. and Young, G. (2018). Leading Beyond The Ego: How to Become a Transpersonal Leader. Routledge.
How will the programme benefit you and your organisation?
It enables you and your organisation to become more productive, agile and sustainable through empowering employees and engaging fully with all stakeholders. It helps you attract the best people and operate for the greater good!
What’s the programme like and who is it for?
The program is based on the Transpersonal Leadership development journey described in our acclaimed text book1. It is specifically tailored for small cohorts of senior leaders who desire to make a real sustainable difference. The program, in two parts, is based on state of the art brain-friendly methodologies.After an introductory 1-to-1 coaching session for each participant, the intermediate journey (Emotionally Intelligent Leadership) provides a foundation for awareness and developing new behaviours.
It is completed in six, remote three-hour cohort video-conference sessions plus one individual 2 hour LEIPA2 feedback session.
The follow-on advanced journey (Beyond the Ego Leadership) is about bringing values to full consciousness and leading beyond the ego.
Between the remote video-conference sessions, individuals will complete bite-sized online learning, read specific text book1 chapters and complete confidential self-assessments, performance accelerator tools and questionnaires. Each cohort member will also receive three hours of 1-to-1 coaching to enable conversations in confidence.
Cohort video-conference sessions are organised into four main sections. First, to discuss and reflect on the work-based practice and learning actioned from the previous session; Second, to review and reflect on the new learning since the previous discussion; Third, discuss specific issues effecting an individual or the team that can be solved through action-learning or team coaching of the cohort and; Fourth, plan the actions and practice that needs to be completed before the next session.
2 LEIPA = 360o Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Examples of the application of Transpersonal Leadership can be found in a series of FREE White Papers authored by LeaderShape faculty and published by Routledge.
For more information phone us on +44 (0)7766 473473, email us at
Or, if you are ready to sign up to the program, complete the application form here.